Sunday, April 15, 2012

 Spring time = Caterpillar time.  The twins had a Mamaw day the past week and were introduced to caterpillars.  They spent the day with their own little jars collecting their new friends.
 Maddie is unsure of her new little furry friend.

 Mylie loves her little caterpillar.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Catching Up!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything with our family.  It has been a little crazy.  I do have a LOT to catch up on though!  We have had birthdays, Christmas, opening Jump City, school activities, oh where do I begin!?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Twins Turning TWO!

Maddie and Mylie had their 2nd birthday at Jump City! They LOVE Elmo, so we decided on an Elmo party!  They had several friends come to celebrate!  Debbie Geurin with Taste Of Eden Bakery did their cake for us.  It is so hard to believe two years has went by already.  At two they weigh 24 pounds and putting sentences together.  They are inseparable. 

Mylie and her sweet cousin Marci.  Marci is a little mother to her little cousins.

Mylie with big sister Julia

Maddie with big brother Cole

Big sister Faith